First of all; Pokémon X and Y. I already intended to buy both of them, but now that I know even more about the games, I just can't wait!
They revealed that there'll be a new type of pokémon; Fairy. This means that the new pokémon Sylveon that everyone has been talking about (and wondered what type of pokémon it'll be), is of course fairy. We also got to see some other new pokémons. But other than that; nothing new really. But still! Mmmm~I've got high hopes for X and Y. I got so disappointed of Pokémon black/white and black 2/white 2 and didn't like them at all. So I think that this will be real good! It has to be.
Super Mario 3D World: It looked pretty nice, although I'm kind of fed up with the mario games. They all kind of looks the same to me. And even though they add some new kind of feature to the game, it's still mario jumping for coins and avoiding goombas.
I guess I'll still end up getting it though. It still looks alright and looks like a nice way to kill time with.
Mario Kart 8: I love mario kart! I've always loved mario kart and probably always will! This version is only for the Wii U though, which I don't own myself. But if I ever get myself one, this game will be an instant buy! It looked really nice. And one thing I was really happy about was that they have brought back the bikes. I used to ride the bike in Mario Kart Wii all the time and was kind of disappointed that they were gone again in Mario Kart 7 to the 3DS. Yay! Also that they've been playing around with gravity in the game and that you now can drive up side down, makes it even more interesting.
Super Smash Bros for the 3DS and Wii U. If I ever get a Wii U I'll probably also get this game. I think it's a really fun party game and I enjoyed the previous ones. But to the 3DS? No.. I don't think so. I don't think it's a game fit for a hand-held console, and it's not a game I enjoy playing by myself or online.. so yeah.
But until I can buy either of those games I'll just be playing my animal crossing - new leaf. It's coming out this friday and I'm really excited about it! Probably gonna waste all summer on playing it. O(≧∇≦)O
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